Honey Jaggery Wheat Carrot Cake

Serves 4 people
Time to prepare -15 mints
Cooking time-30 Mints


·         1 ½ Cup Wheat
·         ½ cup all-purpose flour
·         ½ Cup Honey
·         1 cup Jaggery(powdered)
·         ¼ cup vegetable oil
·         2 Eggs
·         ½ Table spoon Baking powder
·         ¼ Table spoon Baking soda
·         8 Cashews
·         Raisins -15
·         Orange juice -2 tbl spoon
·         Carrot -1

Method of preparation

1.       Mix the wheat, all-purpose flour, baking soda and baking powder together. Mix with a fork. It helps in mixing well
2.       Cut the carrot to blocks and put it in a blender or grate it to small pieces.
3.       Beat the egg with fork. Then add the honey, vegetable oil, jaggery, orange juice to it.
4.       Mix this wet content to the flour mix and fold to one side.
5.       Once it’s mixed properly add the carrot. Just do 5-6 folds. Don’t mix too much.
6.       Consistency is thicker than idily batter
7.       Transfer to a tray with butter paper or oiled tray
8.       Mix the raisins and cashew in some dry flour add to the top of the cake
9.       Tap well so that extra air escapes
10.   Bake in the oven at 340 Degree F, for 30 mints


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